medica iq - Empowering Health Technology Companies for Middle East Market Success

medica iq has been a cornerstone in the Middle Eastern healthcare landscape for the past 15 years. With strong relationships in both the private and public sectors, as well as strategic business connections in finance, investment, and the Food & Beverage sectors, we provide unparalleled support for companies looking to expand into the MEA region.

medica iq specializes in business development consulting for health technology companies from the USA seeking to export their goods and services to the Middle East. Our expertise ensures that these companies can successfully introduce their products and meet potential distribution partners, especially during pivotal events like Arab Health, Saudi Global Health, and now servicing Gulf Foods.

Our services enable the swift commercialization of innovative health and wellness solutions that meet the health delivery and regulatory requirements of the region.

Comprehensive Support for Market Entry
For Market Entry And
Major Growth Opportunity

Event Consulting: Assisting in evaluating potential delegates and providing input on the potential of their products and services at regional events.

Pre-Event Preparation: Hosting a “Know Before You Go” call for all delegates, conducting client intake calls, identifying potential customers and partners, and scheduling meetings.

On-Site Support: Offering on-site support during large events like Arab Health and Gulf Food. We manage schedules, facilitate meetings, and identify potential networking.

Post-Event Follow-Up: Debriefing on market feedback and intelligence collected throughout the project, and recommending necessary follow-up actions.

Extensive Network: Strong relationships with local regulatory bodies, direct connections to Hospitals and Clinics, engagement with insurers and patient advocacy groups all contribute to the compliant adoption and integrations of your goods and services.

Market Leadership: Strong relationships with key distributors and a deep understanding of the regional distribution landscape.

Strong Capabilities: Proven expertise in handling regulatory, logistical and commercial aspects of product distribution.

Local Ties: Close connections to local stakeholders, including healthcare providers, enabling effective market penetration and sustained growth.

Our Services

Market Access and Network

By leveraging our vast network, medica iq ensures that your entry into the Middle Eastern market is not only efficient but also strategically optimized for success. Our relationships and partnerships provide you with the necessary support to navigate the complex regulatory environment, connect with key players, and achieve your business objectives in the region.

One of the main characteristics that differentiates Dubai from other commercial centers is its openness to innovation and the freedoms it grants people and institutions to operate. Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair


Professionally Curated Health Innovation Platform For MEA


Market Assessment

  • Identify and prioritize target markets
  • Market size and potential
  • Risks and opportunities

Market Entry Strategy

  • Competitive market profile
  • Competitive landscape
  • Patient flow
  • Distribution channels

Market Access

  • Price waterfall
  • Regulatory Assessment and Support
  • Payers and Reimbursement

Business Development

Distribution Agreements

  • Local business partner screening & evaluation
  • Business cases
  • Negotiation strategy and deal structure
  • Negotiation of deal term sheets and distribution agreements

Global Licensing, M&A and Technology Transfers Capital & Fund Raising

Distribution Management

  • Regional Market & Distributors Coordination
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Regional Representative Office
  • Legal entity set-up/Sponsorship

News & Events

JP Morgan Health 2018

Wall Street's premier investorconference focused exclusivelyon companies defining thehealthcare industry.

2018 BIO Int’l Convention

More than 1,100 biotechnologycompanies, academicinstitutions, state biotechnologycenters and related organizationsfrom more than 30 nations.

AdvaMed 2018 MedTech

Connect with thousands of medical technology professionals in one place, at one time.

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